Kuwait City of Harmony

Kuwait City of Harmony

I heard Song of Unity in the streets

Of harmony in the Boubyan island!

Ancient island of Failaka

I walked and walked every step,

People of Kuwait, Muslims, Chinese, Christians, Hindus

Together walked with me,

With Pride and peace.

The calling of prayers from Mosques,

Gave the glad tidings with a message,

Forgive the human failings

Give and give the hope of success.

I entered the Cathedral Church

With fragrance, the message radiating,

Remove “I” and “Me”!

That will eliminate human ego.

In the great mosque participated in prayer

With a Quranic recitation

“Oh Almighty lead us the path of righteousness”

The welcome song “eliminate hatred,

Violence will disappear.

In another mosque in Salmiya led us to the path

Remove the violence in mind, peace in life will be filled with.

The Central Mosque gave us the message

Message of removing the pain

of fellow human beings!

This is Almighty’s Command!

When I completed my pilgrimage

The streets of Harmony of Kuwait.

Presented an integrated spiritual centre

With message to the Universe.

Every human being will give and give

The best of human societies will be born.

Life is a river and it flows with a mind of its own over which we assume we have control but in reality we just float along and comment like Aesop’s fly on the chariot wheel “What a lot of dust I do raise” I have captured some of the moments in a poetry “Verses from Inner Space”


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