
Showing posts from March 22, 2009

Consultants Learn to Weather Bad Economic Times

“In recent weeks, several of my long-term subcontractors have contacted me to learn of any new contract work that’s available for them to do,” says Regan of APPSYS. “Quite simply, they need work and don’t have any”. “They’re considering returning to full-time job employment because their business is nonexistent right now,” “I think a lot of sole practitioners are hurting in this economy,” The declining economy is certain to impact the livelihoods of HR consultants. But, will that impact be good or bad? On the one hand, companies might be looking to outsource activities to control internal staffing costs. On the other hand, they might be cutting back on expenses. While employers are cutting back and closely monitoring operations, there is a strong trend toward companies investing in programs that assist in hiring/retention efforts. Many are turning to experts who can provide counsel and assistance in hiring, on boarding and retention to help ensure that new hires will be capable, dedica...

Can you sleep when the wind blows?

Years ago, a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded the awful storms that raged across the Atlantic, wreaking havoc on the buildings and crops. As the farmer interviewed applicants for the job, he received A steady stream of refusals.Finally, a short, thin man, well past middle age, approached the farmer. "Are you a good farm hand?" the farmer asked him. "Well, I can sleep when the wind blows," answered the little man.Although puzzled by this answer, the farmer, desperate for help, Hired him. The little man worked well around the farm, busy from dawn to dusk, and the farmer felt satisfied with the man's work. Then one night the wind howled loudly in from offshore. Jumping out of bed, the farmer grabbed a lantern and rushed next door to the hired hand's sleeping quarters. He shook the little man and yelled, "Get up! A storm is co...

Dissolving the Bitterness of Life

Once a young man came to a revered teacher, who was seated under a tree near a beautiful lake, and asked for the solution for his unhappiness. After some minutes of conversation the old master kindly instructed the visitor to put a handful of salt in a glass of water and then to drink a few mouthfuls. “How does it taste?” the teacher asked. “Awful,” said the apprentice after he had spat out the revolting liquid a few paces away. The teacher chuckled and then asked the young man to take another handful of salt and put it in the lake. The two walked in silence to the nearby lake and when the youngster swirled his handful of salt into the lake, the old man told him, “Now drink from the lake.” As the water dripped down the young man’s chin, the master asked him again, “How does it taste?” “Good!” he replied. “Do you taste the salt?” asked the Master. “No,” said the young man. The Master sat beside the troubled youth, took his hands, and said : “The pain of life is pure salt; no more, no le...

Appoline Blogging !

Dear All, I have started blogging in my Mother's name APPOLINE ! "Add People Profile Overall Life Improvement & Nurture Empowerment" Hope you will find this b-log so useful . Please actively participate to make it more interactive and lively. Profound Thanks & Regards, Francis