The Intelligent Entrepreneur Vs Job-seeker
In "The Intelligent Entrepreneur", a new book out from author Bill Murphy, Jr., Bill distills 10 rules of successful entrepreneurship from the stories of several Harvard Business School graduates from the Class of 1998, including yours truly. As I read through the stories, and looked at Bill's rules, it struck me that there are similarities between the successful entrepreneur and the successful job-seeker. You're both trying to create something new — a new company or a new position for yourself. You're both faced with the emotional challenges that go with any new endeavor. There are plenty of setbacks along the way in starting a company and getting a job. And success is dependent on sticking to it and seeing it through. So with that in mind, I thought I'd share five of Bill's 10 rules with you and show how they apply to your job search. #2 Find a problem, then solve it. It's not enough in the 21st century to simply describe yourself to future ...